Monday, September 23, 2019

Why is the Kashmir dispute the oldest unresolved international Essay

Why is the Kashmir dispute the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today - Essay Example factors including, social, cultural, religious and political have played a vital role in the process to exist Kashmir dispute as an unresolved problem. In the shadow of political crisis, there are some antisocial activities such as terrorism, fanaticism and jihad (holy war) in Kashmir region. Cases related with the violation of human rights have an integral role in the discussion, why Kashmir dispute became the oldest and unresolved international issue in the world? The people in Kashmir demands self governance and many people believe that both India and Pakistan should a positive decision in this self governance which may be a significant step in reducing the conflict. Anyhow, the conflict between the world’s newest atomic powers resulted severe security problems in Indian subcontinent. Kashmir dispute has a rich historical background and it is not only a political issue between India and Pakistan but a last long crisis having various phases. Before the time of Indian independence, the state of Jammu Kashmir was a ruled by Hari Singh, a Hindu ruler and who tried to maintain his states as independent. Because of the presence of majority Muslim people some Pakistani leaders have argued that Kashmir region belonged to Pakistan. In 1947 Pakistan sent some tribal infiltrator to catch Kashmir and the Maharaja pleaded military aid for Indian army. Maharaja had ignored the opposition of the native people and he signed the agreement of the Instrument of Accession with Indian Government. Historical studies exposes that it is this event that resulted for the so called turmoil of the people who settled in Jammu and Kashmir. While turning over the pages of history, it is quite observable that for many years the people of this region were seeking for their cultural identity. The boundary problem between India and Pakistan paved the way for the unending crisis and it had affected not only the formation of the foreign policies of India and Pakistan but also various factor

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