Saturday, August 24, 2019

Outlined based on the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Outlined based on the questions - Essay Example Experience Design According to Norman (2004) human beings develops psychological attraction to different things depending on the way they interact with them in everyday life. Different items play different roles and influence the way their owners perceive them. Norman further argues that those who possess such items are envious of them and respect for the purpose they serve. Therefore, the ways in which different things are useful influence the individuals’ emotional attraction to those items. Such items should be designed in such a way that they will be able to serve their intended purpose. Norman further suggest that greater efficiency of different items to serve the purpose they were meant to serve will attract greater affection from those who posses them. Some items also reveal social and economic status of individuals. These items becomes valuable to such individuals by the virtue of personal memories they generate to people who posses them (Norman, 2004). These items may be kept for remembrance of previous occurrences though they may serve any other purpose in the human life. They may appear useless to other people, but they are very essential to those who possess them. Therefore, such people feel intensely attached to those items which invoke their feelings about some past encounters. According to Norman (2004), the functionality of objects according to human outlook influences their psychological affection towards those objects. Norman argues that individual insight determines how they interact with different things. For example, a person expects a machine to function in a certain way and incase it fails to do so, this may result to emotional detachment. It is for this reason that Norman states those machines such as computers and others which people interact with on a day to day life should be designed with emotions to echo the human feelings. However, since these machines are used for specific purposes only, they will have a limit on extent to which they can forge human feelings. They will only influence human emotions to the extent in which they anticipated to perform a certain job. In essence, the author is implying that human feelings should be reflected in the kind of items they possess and in the way they handle and display those possessions (Norman, 2004). These activities will manifest human emotional attraction to those items they own. Similarly, the efficiency of performance of the things we use will influence the psychological attraction of the user towards them. When objects are functioning effectively, they appeal to their users who then develop close intimacy with those items. However, if those items fail to perform as expected, they will cause annoyance to the user who loses emotional feelings for them and may even smash them. The Philosopher's Tool Kit When people listen to the others talking or other sources of sounds, they definitely hear what they would like to hear. Though there are many sounds emanatin g from various sources at the same time, individuals become so discerning with what they want to listen to and will filter out things of less concern to them. The sense of hearing becomes an instrument which enables individuals to figure themselves in the public domain. Through hearing, individuals appreciate the beauty of different things and are able to like or dislike various things from

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